Special Course Underwater Navigation
3 dives, 2 days Good underwater navigation is arguably one of the most important diving skills, especially when exploring new or unfamiliar dive sites. Good underwater orientation will increase not only your confidence, but also that of you diving partners who will feel more relaxed and safer with you. Refine your observation skills with the […]
Special Course Nitrox or Enriched Air
theory only, approx. 3 hours Nitrox or Enriched Air (EAN) is the term used by divers to describe a breathing gas mixture with a higher proportion of oxygen, usually between 32% and 40%. Nitrox allows you to dive longer and take shorter decompression breaks. During the course you will learn how to use Nitrox, how to check […]
Special Course Wreck Diving
4 dives, min. 2 days In the specialty course wreck diving we explain how to behave correctly during a wreck dive. You learn how to take care not to hurt yourself and how to take precautions to get out of the wreck. We would like to point out that there are not many wrecks on […]
Special Course Search & Recovery
4 dives, 2 days Did someone explain you roughly where to find a small wreck or you lost your knife while diving? With the Search & Recovery specialty course, we will train you to look for, and recover, objects under water. You will learn how to dive different search patterns using a compass or other […]
Special Course Deep Diving
4 dives, at least 2 days Deep diving is perhaps one of the most exciting specialty courses available. Due to fewer visits, deeper dive sites are, generally speaking, more pristine: The water is usually calmer because swimmers or snorkelers can’t get there and, of course,because there are fewer divers. Marine creatures are often more relaxed and different […]
Special Course Boat Diving
2 dives, min. 1 day. Different types of boats require different techniques for water entry and exit. For example, entering the water from an inflatable boat is very different than diving from a larger motorboat or sailing yacht. Some boats have a ladder, others a platform, and others just a floating balloon. During this course, […]
Special Course for perfect Balance
2 dives, min. 1 day You may have wondered how some divers manage to hover so effortlessly while using so little air. It takes a certain degree of experience of course, but there are also certain techniques, tips and tricks that will help you to achieve good buoyancy faster. After this course, you will likely […]
Special Course Underwater Scooter
2 dives, min. 1 day Besides being a lot of fun, diving with an underwater scooter allows you to reach and explore more distant dive sites while making your diving safer and easier, especially in presence of a strong current, and longer, since of course you will use much less air. During this course we […]
Special Course Underwater Photography
2 dives, min. 1 day Great underwater photos of the dive are a must for most divers these days. At least since you can take underwater pictures with many normal cameras, action cameras or even smartphones with special underwater housings. But divers often ask us: Why do my photos never turn out as good as […]
Special Course Night Diving

3 dives, min. 2-3 nights Diving at night is a completely different feeling and experience than during the day. The sea is usually calmer and where during the day there might be a lot of people swimming and being on the beach, you are now alone, just together with your diving partners. The underwater world […]